We are very excited to announce that as of 17th February 2020 Family Browser R3 has been released to the general public.

Over the past six months we have been very busy talking & listening to our customers what they require in a Revit content manager.  The feedback has been fantastic and has resulted in the need for a total rewrite of code for Family Browser R3.

The main aims we had for this release were:


  1. Simplify the product registration and initial setup.
  2. Simplify the setup of the company wide Family Browser including user connection to the Library.
  3. Simplify the issues surrounding separate offices connecting to the one library.
  4. Simplify the management of the Family Browser Library and its users.
  5. Simplify the subscription and re-subscription process.
  6. Provide a blazingly fast end user experience to find the correct content, and inserting that in their projects.

With the help of our Beta testers we have exceeded our expectations of all of the above items.

Family Browser R3 has a 21 day, 5 user Trial License available for testing.  For existing Family Browser customers with a current active subscription the upgrade to Family Browser R3 is 100% FREE and part of your existing subscription.

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