At this time of year after Autodesk release their new version of Revit, we field some calls on what is the best way to make your previously setup Family Browser library available to new versions of Revit.
Well the answer to that depends on your Library setup. There are two scenarios and lucky Family Browser R3 deals with those effortlessly.
Our client has one base library of Families that are saved in a previous version of Revit and they are used in all versions of Revit.
This is very easily achieved in Family Browser by linking and making a base library available to selected Revit versions from the Database Manager => “Libraries” button as per the image below.
Family Browser R3 has a 21 day, 5 user Trial License available for testing. For existing Family Browser customers with a current active subscription the upgrade to Family Browser R3 is 100% FREE and part of your existing subscription.
Our client has a separate library of Families for each version of Revit.
Thankfully this scenario is also very easily achieved in Family Browser by making a direct copy of a selected library and modify all file paths from the selected library to the new specified location. Once this copy has been made and the new library created there is no link between the two. ie A change to one library will not be reflected in the other.
This function is available from the Database Manager => “Copy Libraries” button on the ribbon as per the image below.